Tree Fertilizer Products for the Do It Yourselfer

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Fertilizing trees is a great way to keep trees healthy and is especially important for revitalizing sick trees. I highly recommend you read my four part series on tree fertilizers. You can access them by clicking on the fertilize link under categories on the right sidebar. This article is aimed at pointing you toward a few fertilizer products you can buy to do the job yourself. Some of the tips here will help you with the timing of the right application, but you do need to read the label of the product you are using to make sure you are applying it at the right rate.

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Soil Restructuring. An Important Part of Tree Care.

Soil restructuring is one of the most powerful tools we have for tree health management. The idea is to till the soil; improving its structure will allow valuable air and water to more easily penetrate the soil. While fundamental in gardening theory, this task is not easy at the scale of a large tree.
Continue reading Soil Restructuring. An Important Part of Tree Care.

Part 3. How to Apply Treatments to Trees

There are a variety of ways to apply tree fertilizers and other treatments. For the average layperson, applications to a tree can be challenging. High pressure sprayers are readily available at equipment rental stores, so you can do it yourself, but this equipment is not easy to use. Accessing a tree’s root system deep in the soil or reaching the upper boundaries of canopy on a mature tree requires this special equipment.
Continue reading Part 3. How to Apply Treatments to Trees

Herbicide Damage To a Tree. Weed-n-Feed for Your Lawn is Killing Your Trees.

Herbicide damage is one of the biggest tree killers I run into. Weed-n-feed products are the number one culprits. If you buy a bag of fertilizer from your local do-it-yourself store make sure that the bag does not have weed control mixed in with the fertilizer. Most weed control products will affect boad leaf plants and go unnoticed to grasses. Trees are in the broad leaf plant category.
Continue reading Herbicide Damage To a Tree. Weed-n-Feed for Your Lawn is Killing Your Trees.